Does It Hurt to Undergo Cosmetic Dentistry?

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dfwdental @ 9:57 pm
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Many people wish for a prettier smile. Fortunately, cosmetic dental treatments can create movie star grins for common citizens. While procedures like porcelain veneers, dental bonding, metal-free crowns, and teeth whitening are commonplace, some prospective patients wonder if getting them involves any pain. Read on to learn more about how modern cosmetic dentistry is quite painless.

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Involve Pain?

Many people avoid seeing a dentist, even if their end goal is a more attractive smile, because they worry that the experience will be uncomfortable. Several cosmetic dental treatments are completely non-invasive, and the others are made painless with local anesthetics. You can rest assured that your dentist will do everything possible to keep you relaxed and comfortable.

When Is Cosmetic Dentistry Painless?

Most popular cosmetic dental treatments involve little or no discomfort. Some of these include:

  • Dental bonding – Your dentist can fix a crack, stain, gap, or chip in a single visit by applying composite resin color-matched to the tooth. This is an affordable solution that usually doesn’t require any local anesthetic.
  • Teeth whitening – Your dentist can whiten your teeth by eight to ten shades in just one visit or you can take home a customized professional-grade kit. Either way, you can expect a painless experience. There might be some mild sensitivity afterward, but this will quickly fade.
  • Veneers – Veneers are porcelain sheaths that fit over teeth while mimicking their natural color, shape, and luster. They can cover chips, cracks, gaps, and stains that do not respond to whitening. The dentist will apply a local anesthetic to numb your tooth before shaving off an insignificant amount of enamel to make room for the veneer, rendering the procedure painless.

What If I am Still Anxious?

Sedation dentistry can be used to take the edge off a dental visit for patients who might have a hard time relaxing. There are a few different forms of it available.

Nitrous oxide, also called laughing gas, reduces anxiety and raises the patient’s pain threshold. The effects wear off within fifteen minutes, allowing the patient to drive home and resume normal daily activities afterward. IV sedation, on the other hand, is reserved for particular cases. It is administered through the bloodstream and the effects are felt immediately, leaving the patient conscious and responsive but unlikely to remember details about the procedure. This form of sedation takes a while to wear off, so it requires the patient to have a ride to and from the dental office.

There’s nothing to fear about cosmetic dentistry. Modern procedures for beautifying teeth do not involve significant discomfort and sedation options can ease any anxiety about sitting in the dentist’s chair. Cosmetic dental treatments can give you a beautiful white smile that lasts for years.

About the Practice

Huckabee Dental is among the first dental offices to operate in the community of Southlake, TX. With a team of five dentists at the helm, the dedicated staff provides a comfortable, welcoming environment with the latest technology. Services offered include general, pediatric, restorative, emergency, and cosmetic dentistry including veneers, dental binding, and teeth whitening. If you’re still curious about how comfortable cosmetic dentistry can be, contact the office online or dial (817) 900-0695.  

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