How Many Dental Implants Do You Need? 

September 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dfwdental @ 5:27 pm
woman learning about dental implants from dentist

No matter how many missing teeth you have, finding a solution that will restore your appearance is essential. Not only does it have an immediate impact on your aesthetics but also on your oral health. Having a full set of teeth allows you to eat all your favorite foods, speak with confidence and clarity, and smile as if you haven’t a care in the world. But when it comes to choosing permanent prosthetics to fill in the gaps, you may be wondering how many dental implants you need. Read on to discover the kind of discussion you and your dentist will have when formulating your treatment plan.

What Are the Different Types of Dental Implants?

During your dental implant consultation, you can expect your dentist to go over the different types of prosthetics that are available. This will help you to better understand how many dental implants you will need as well as the type of restoration you can expect to receive.

Implant Crown

A dental implant crown consists of one titanium implant post, a metal abutment, and a customized dental crown. Once the implant post is in place within the jawbone, it will fuse and deliver maximum support to the artificial crown. Holding the implant and restoration together is the metal abutment that acts as a connector.

Implant Bridge

Instead of resorting to a traditional fixed bridge, an implant bridge involves two titanium posts and a customized bridge restoration. When multiple consecutive teeth are missing, this type of prosthetic can help to rebuild your smile and improve your appearance. This eliminates the need to alter your healthy teeth and instead focuses solely on the existing gaps in your smile.

Implant Dentures

When it comes to replacing an entire arch of teeth, we can provide an implant denture that uses between four and six dental implant posts. Once secured in place, a customized denture is placed on top to replicate your smile and improve your ability to eat without fear and speak with slurring.

How Do You Know If You’re a Candidate for Dental Implants?

The only way to know if you’re a candidate for dental implants is to meet with your dentist for a scheduled consultation. Evaluating the status of your oral health as well as your overall health and well-being is necessary, as certain problems (i.e., decay, gum disease, diabetes, etc..) can make implant placement more difficult.

Your dentist will also look at your jawbone to determine if it is dense enough to support the posts and ultimately, the restoration. If not, you will likely need a bone graft before moving forward.

Dental implants are a highly versatile form of treatment, and they can deliver outstanding, life-changing results. Prepare to enjoy all the benefits these prosthetics offer, as it is an investment you won’t regret.

About the Practice
Huckabee Dental is located in Southlake and is one of the first practices in the area. Seeing families of all ages over the years, we believe in offering exceptional, comprehensive dentistry that is designed to improve smiles year after year. When patients inquire about dental implants to replace missing teeth, we can sit down and discuss how many are needed to ensure a full, complete smile. If you would like to learn more about this modern form of tooth replacement, contact us via our website or by calling (817) 329-4746.

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